Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of WikiMacros

Aug 15, 2016, 5:36:48 PM (8 years ago)



  • WikiMacros

    v1 v2  
    1 =  Wiki Macros =
    2 Trac macros are plugins to extend the Trac engine with custom 'functions' written in Python. A macro inserts dynamic HTML data in any context supporting WikiFormatting.
     1= Trac Macros
    4 Another kind of macros are WikiProcessors. They typically deal with alternate markup formats and representation of larger blocks of information (like source code highlighting).
    6 == Using Macros ==
    7 Macro calls are enclosed in two ''square brackets''. Like python functions, macros can also have arguments, a comma separated list within parentheses.
     5Trac macros are plugins to extend the Trac engine with custom 'functions' written in Python. A macro inserts dynamic HTML data in any context supporting WikiFormatting. Its syntax is `[[macro-name(optional-arguments)]]`.
    9 === Examples ===
     7The WikiProcessors are another kind of macros. They typically deal with alternate markup formats and transformation of larger "blocks" of information, like source code highlighting. They are used for processing the multiline `{{{#!wiki-processor-name ... }}}` blocks.
    11 {{{
    12  [[Timestamp]]
     9== Using Macros
     11Macro calls are enclosed in two ''square brackets'' `[[..]]`. Like Python functions, macros can also have arguments, a comma separated list within parentheses `[[..(,)]]`.
     13=== Getting Detailed Help
     15The list of available macros and the full help can be obtained using the !MacroList macro, as seen [#AvailableMacros below].
     17A brief list can be obtained via `[[MacroList(*)]]` or `[[?]]`.
     19Detailed help on a specific macro can be obtained by passing it as an argument to !MacroList, e.g. `[[MacroList(MacroList)]]`, or, more conveniently, by appending a question mark (`?`) to the macro's name, like in `[[MacroList?]]`.
     21=== Example
     23A list of the 3 most recently changed wiki pages starting with 'Trac':
     25||= Wiki Markup =||= Display =||
     27  {{{
     28  [[RecentChanges(Trac,3)]]
     29  }}}
    14 Display:
    15  [[Timestamp]]
     31{{{#!td style="padding-left: 2em;"
     36  {{{
     37  [[RecentChanges?(Trac,3)]]
     38  }}}
     40{{{#!td style="padding-left: 2em;"
     45  {{{
     46  [[?]]
     47  }}}
     49{{{#!td style="padding-left: 2em"
     51<div style="font-size: 80%" class="trac-macrolist">
     52<h3><code>[[Image]]</code></h3>Embed an image in wiki-formatted text.
    17 {{{
    18  [[HelloWorld(Testing)]]
     54The first argument is the file …
     55<h3><code>[[InterTrac]]</code></h3>Provide a list of known <a class="wiki" href="/wiki/InterTrac">InterTrac</a> prefixes.
     56<h3><code>[[InterWiki]]</code></h3>Provide a description list for the known <a class="wiki" href="/wiki/InterWiki">InterWiki</a> prefixes.
     57<h3><code>[[KnownMimeTypes]]</code></h3>List all known mime-types which can be used as <a class="wiki" href="/wiki/WikiProcessors">WikiProcessors</a>.
     58Can be …</div>
    20 Display:
    21  [[HelloWorld(Testing)]]
    23 == Available Macros ==
     63== Available Macros
    2565''Note that the following list will only contain the macro documentation if you've not enabled `-OO` optimizations, or not set the `PythonOptimize` option for [wiki:TracModPython mod_python].''
    29 == Macros from around the world ==
    30 The [ Trac Project] has a section dedicated to user-contributed macros, [ MacroBazaar]. If you're looking for new macros, or have written new ones to share with the world, don't hesitate adding it to the [ MacroBazaar] wiki page.
     69== Macros from around the world
    32 ----
     71The [ Trac Hacks] site provides a wide collection of macros and other Trac [TracPlugins plugins] contributed by the Trac community. If you are looking for new macros, or have written one that you would like to share with the world, don't hesitate to visit that site.
    34 == Developing Custom Macros ==
    35 Macros, like Trac itself, are written in the [ Python programming language]. They are very simple modules, identified by the filename and should contain a single ''entry point'' function. Trac will display the returned data inserted into the HTML where the macro was called.
     73== Developing Custom Macros
    37 It's easiest to learn from an example:
     75Macros, like Trac itself, are written in the [ Python programming language] and are developed as part of TracPlugins.
     77For more information about developing macros, see the [trac:TracDev development resources] on the main project site.
     79Here are 2 simple examples showing how to create a Macro. Also, have a look at [trac:source:tags/trac-1.0.2/sample-plugins/] for an example that shows the difference between old style and new style macros and at the [trac:source:tags/trac-0.11/wiki-macros/README macros/README] which provides a little more insight about the transition.
     81=== Macro without arguments
     83To test the following code, you should saved it in a `` file located in the TracEnvironment's `plugins/` directory.
    40 # -- The world's simplest macro
     86from datetime import datetime
     87# Note: since Trac 0.11, datetime objects are used internally
    42 def execute(hdf, args, env):
    43     return "Hello World called with args: %s" % args
     89from genshi.builder import tag
     91from trac.util.datefmt import format_datetime, utc
     92from import WikiMacroBase
     94class TimeStampMacro(WikiMacroBase):
     95    """Inserts the current time (in seconds) into the wiki page."""
     97    revision = "$Rev$"
     98    url = "$URL$"
     100    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, text):
     101        t =
     102        return tag.strong(format_datetime(t, '%c'))
    46 You can also use the environment (`env`) object, for example to access configuration data and the database, for example:
     105=== Macro with arguments
     107To test the following code, you should save it in a `` file located in the TracEnvironment's `plugins/` directory.
    49 def execute(hdf, txt, env):
    50     return env.get_config('trac', 'repository_dir')
     110from genshi.core import Markup
     112from import WikiMacroBase
     114class HelloWorldMacro(WikiMacroBase):
     115    """Simple HelloWorld macro.
     117    Note that the name of the class is meaningful:
     118     - it must end with "Macro"
     119     - what comes before "Macro" ends up being the macro name
     121    The documentation of the class (i.e. what you're reading)
     122    will become the documentation of the macro, as shown by
     123    the !MacroList macro (usually used in the WikiMacros page).
     124    """
     126    revision = "$Rev$"
     127    url = "$URL$"
     129    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, text, args):
     130        """Return some output that will be displayed in the Wiki content.
     132        `name` is the actual name of the macro (no surprise, here it'll be
     133        `'HelloWorld'`),
     134        `text` is the text enclosed in parenthesis at the call of the macro.
     135          Note that if there are ''no'' parenthesis (like in, e.g.
     136          [[HelloWorld]]), then `text` is `None`.
     137        `args` are the arguments passed when HelloWorld is called using a
     138        `#!HelloWorld` code block.
     139        """
     140        return 'Hello World, text = %s, args = %s' % \
     141            (Markup.escape(text), Markup.escape(repr(args)))
    53 Note that since version 0.9, wiki macros can also be written as TracPlugins. This gives them some capabilities than “classic” macros do not have, such as directly access the HTTP request.
     145Note that `expand_macro` optionally takes a 4^th^ parameter ''`args`''. When the macro is called as a [WikiProcessors WikiProcessor], it's also possible to pass `key=value` [WikiProcessors#UsingProcessors processor parameters]. If given, those are stored in a dictionary and passed in this extra `args` parameter. On the contrary, when called as a macro, `args` is  `None`. (''since 0.12'').
    55 For more information about developing macros, see the [ development resources] on the main project site.
     147For example, when writing:
     149{{{#!HelloWorld style="polite" -silent verbose
     150<Hello World!>
    57 ----
    58 See also:  WikiProcessors, WikiFormatting, TracGuide
     154<Hello World!>
     157[[HelloWorld(<Hello World!>)]]
     159One should get:
     161Hello World, text = <Hello World!> , args = {'style': u'polite', 'silent': False, 'verbose': True}
     162Hello World, text = <Hello World!> , args = {}
     163Hello World, text = <Hello World!> , args = None
     166Note that the return value of `expand_macro` is '''not''' HTML escaped. Depending on the expected result, you should escape it by yourself (using `return Markup.escape(result)`) or, if this is indeed HTML, wrap it in a Markup object (`return Markup(result)`) with `Markup` coming from Genshi, (`from genshi.core import Markup`). 
     168You can also recursively use a wiki Formatter (`from import Formatter`) to process the `text` as wiki markup:
     172from genshi.core import Markup
     173from import WikiMacroBase
     174from import Formatter
     175import StringIO
     177class HelloWorldMacro(WikiMacroBase):
     178    def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, text, args):
     179        text = "whatever '''wiki''' markup you want, even containing other macros"
     180        # Convert Wiki markup to HTML, new style
     181        out = StringIO.StringIO()
     182        Formatter(self.env, formatter.context).format(text, out)
     183        return Markup(out.getvalue())