Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracCgi

Aug 15, 2016, 5:36:48 PM (8 years ago)



  • TracCgi

    v1 v2  
    1 = Installing Trac as CGI =
     1= Installing Trac as CGI
    3 To install Trac as a CGI script, you need to make the `trac.cgi` executable as a CGI by your web server. If you're using [ Apache HTTPD], there are a couple ways to do that:
     5{{{#!div class=important
     6 ''Please note that using Trac via CGI is the slowest deployment method available. It is slower than [TracModPython mod_python], [TracFastCgi FastCGI] and even [trac:TracOnWindowsIisAjp IIS/AJP] on Windows.''
    5  1. Use a `ScriptAlias` to map a URL to the `trac.cgi` script
    6  2. Copy the `trac.cgi` file into the directory for CGI executables used by your web server (commonly named `cgi-bin`). You can also create a symbolic link, but in that case make sure that the `FollowSymLinks` option is enabled for the `cgi-bin` directory.
     9CGI script is the entrypoint that web-server calls when a web-request to an application is made. The `trac.cgi` script can be created using the `trac-admin <env> deploy <dir>` command which automatically substitutes the required paths, see TracInstall#cgi-bin. Make sure the script is executable by your web server.
    8 The first option is recommended as it also allows you to map the CGI to a friendly URL.
     11== Apache web-server configuration
    10 Now, edit the Apache configuration file and add this snippet, file names and locations changed to match your installation:
    11 {{{
    12 ScriptAlias /trac /usr/share/trac/cgi-bin/trac.cgi
     13In [ Apache] there are two ways to run Trac as CGI:
    14 # Trac needs to know where the database is located
     15 1. Use a `ScriptAlias` directive that maps an URL to the `trac.cgi` script (recommended)
     16 1. Copy the `trac.cgi` file into the directory for CGI executables used by your web server (commonly named `cgi-bin`). You can also create a symbolic link, but in that case make sure that the `FollowSymLinks` option is enabled for the `cgi-bin` directory.
     18To make Trac available at `` add `ScriptAlias` directive to Apache configuration file, changing `trac.cgi` path to match your installation:
     20ScriptAlias /trac /path/to/www/trac/cgi-bin/trac.cgi
     23 ''Note that this directive requires enabled `mod_alias` module.''
     25If you're using Trac with a single project you need to set its location using the `TRAC_ENV` environment variable:
    1527<Location "/trac">
    1628  SetEnv TRAC_ENV "/path/to/projectenv"
    20 This will make Trac available at ``.
    22  ''Note: Make sure that the modules mod_alias and mod_env modules are available and enabled in your Apache configuration, otherwise Apache will complain about the above snippet.''
    24  ''Note: If you are using the [ Apache suEXEC] feature see [ ApacheSuexec] (on the main Trac site).''
    26 == Mapping Static Resources ==
    28 Out of the box, Trac will serve static resources such as style sheets or images itself. For a CGI setup, though, this is highly undesirable, because it results in the CGI script being invoked for documents that could be more efficiently served by the web server.
    30 Web servers such as [ Apache HTTPD] allow you to create “Aliases” to resources, thereby giving them a virtual URL that doesn't necessarily bear any resemblance to the layout of the servers file system. We already used this capability above when defining a `ScriptAlias` for the CGI script, and we'll use it now to map requests to the static resources to the directory on the file system that contains them, thereby bypassing the processing of such requests by the CGI script.
    32 Edit the Apache configuration file again and add the following snippet '''before''' the `ScriptAlias` for the CGI script , file names and locations changed to match your installation:
    33 {{{
    34 Alias /trac/chrome/common /usr/share/trac/htdocs
    35 <Directory "/usr/share/trac/htdocs">
    36   Order allow,deny
    37   Allow from all
    38 </Directory>
    39 }}}
    41 Note that whatever URL path you mapped the `trac.cgi` script to, the path `/chrome/common` is the path you have to append to that location to intercept requests to the static resources.
    43 For example, if Trac is mapped to `/cgi-bin/trac.cgi` on your server, the URL of the Alias should be `/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/chrome/common`.
    45 Alternatively, you can set the `htdocs_location` configuration option in [wiki:TracIni trac.ini]:
    46 {{{
    47 [trac]
    48 htdocs_location = /trac-htdocs
    49 }}}
    51 Trac will then use this URL when embedding static resources into HTML pages. Of course, you still need to make the Trac `htdocs` directory available through the web server at the specified URL, for example by copying (or linking) the directory into the document root of the web server.
    53 == Adding Authentication ==
    55 The simplest way to enable authentication with Apache is to create a password file. Use the `htpasswd` program to create the password file:
    56 {{{
    57 $ htpasswd -c /somewhere/trac.htpasswd admin
    58 New password: <type password>
    59 Re-type new password: <type password again>
    60 Adding password for user admin
    61 }}}
    63 After the first user, you dont need the "-c" option anymore:
    64 {{{
    65 $ htpasswd /somewhere/trac.htpasswd john
    66 New password: <type password>
    67 Re-type new password: <type password again>
    68 Adding password for user john
    69 }}}
    71   ''See the man page for `htpasswd` for full documentation.''
    73 After you've created the users, you can set their permissions using TracPermissions.
    75 Now, you'll need to enable authentication against the password file in the Apache configuration:
    76 {{{
    77 <Location "/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/login">
    78   AuthType Basic
    79   AuthName "Trac"
    80   AuthUserFile /somewhere/trac.htpasswd
    81   Require valid-user
     32Or to use multiple projects you can specify their common parent directory using the `TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR` variable:
     34<Location "/trac">
     35  SetEnv TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR "/path/to/project/parent/dir"
    85 For better security, it is recommended that you either enable SSL or at least use the “Digest” authentication scheme instead of “Basic”. Please read the [ Apache HTTPD documentation] to find out more.
     39 ''Note that the `SetEnv` directive requires enabled `mod_env` module. It is also possible to set TRAC_ENV in trac.cgi. Just add the following code between "try:" and "from trac.web ...":''
     42    import os
     43    os.environ['TRAC_ENV'] = "/path/to/projectenv"
     46 '' Or for TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR: ''
     49    import os
     50    os.environ['TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR'] = "/path/to/project/parent/dir"
     53If you are using the [ Apache suEXEC] feature please see [trac:ApacheSuexec].
     55On some systems, you ''may'' need to edit the shebang line in the `trac.cgi` file to point to your real Python installation path. On a Windows system you may need to configure Windows to know how to execute a .cgi file (Explorer -> Tools -> Folder Options -> File Types -> CGI).
     57=== Using WSGI
     59You can run a [ WSGI handler] [ under CGI].  You can [wiki:TracModWSGI#Thetrac.wsgiscript write your own application function], or use the deployed trac.wsgi's application.
     61== Mapping Static Resources
     63See TracInstall#MappingStaticResources.
     65== Adding Authentication
     67See TracInstall#ConfiguringAuthentication.
    88 See also:  TracGuide, TracInstall, TracFastCgi, TracModPython
     70See also:  TracGuide, TracInstall, [wiki:TracModWSGI], TracFastCgi, TracModPython