= Trac with FastCGI = Since version 0.9, Trac supports being run through the [http://www.fastcgi.com/ FastCGI] interface. Like [wiki:TracModPython mod_python], this allows Trac to remain resident, and is faster than external CGI interfaces which must start a new process for each request. However, unlike mod_python, it is able to support [http://httpd.apache.org/docs/suexec.html SuEXEC]. Additionally, it is supported by much wider variety of web servers. == Simple Apache configuration == {{{ # Enable fastcgi for .fcgi files # (If you're using a distro package for mod_fcgi, something like # this is probably already present) <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c> AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi FastCgiIpcDir /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi </IfModule> LoadModule fastcgi_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_fastcgi.so }}} You can either setup the `TRAC_ENV` as an overall default: {{{ FastCgiConfig -initial-env TRAC_ENV=/path/to/env/trac }}} Or you can serve multiple Trac projects in a directory like: {{{ FastCgiConfig -initial-env TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR=/parent/dir/of/projects }}} Configure `ScriptAlias` or similar options as described in TracCgi, but calling `trac.fcgi` instead of `trac.cgi`. == Simple Lighttpd Configuration == The FastCGI front-end was developed primarily for use with alternative webservers, such as [http://www.lighttpd.net/ lighttpd]. lighttpd is a secure, fast, compliant and very flexible web-server that has been optimized for high-performance environments. It has a very low memory footprint compared to other web servers and takes care of CPU load. For using `trac.fcgi` with lighttpd add the following to your lighttpd.conf: {{{ fastcgi.server = ("/trac" => ("trac" => ("socket" => "/tmp/trac-fastcgi.sock", "bin-path" => "/path/to/cgi-bin/trac.fcgi", "check-local" => "disable", "bin-environment" => ("TRAC_ENV" => "/path/to/projenv") ) ) ) }}} Note that you will need to add a new entry to `fastcgi.server` for each separate Trac instance that you wish to run. Alternatively, you may use the `TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR` variable instead of `TRAC_ENV` as described above. Other important information like [http://trac.lighttpd.net/trac/wiki/TracInstall this updated TracInstall page], [wiki:TracCgi#MappingStaticResources and this] are useful for non-fastcgi specific installation aspects. Relaunch lighttpd, and browse to `http://yourhost.example.org/trac` to access Trac. ---- See also TracCgi, TracModPython, TracInstall, TracGuide
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